Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Anime Central 2012 & borderline Nudity at acen!

Yet again another great year at Anime Central or acen 2012!  Full of Great costumes, teens running around in drag and borderline Nudity! It was great, just the way Lummox likes it! More nudity please...

I never been too hardcore into Anime, but I am a fan of many. As a Video Game fan this is heaven minus the clouds, unless someone is dressed as one.

The biggest highlight for me was meeting a childhood hero, X Power Ranger Johnny Yong Bosch! If you don't know Johnny Yong Bosch is from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo and Power Rangers Turbo! Played Adam Park as the 2nd Black Mastodon Ranger, Zeo Ranger IV Green and Green Turbo Ranger! So I had a fun time nerding it up while drooling over his Lion Thunderzord parked in the parking lot.

ACEN is a great time for that Anime lover. Even if your in love with Anime sexually and cuddle books and DVD's at night in bed, you will love it more! 

Now for the bad... Grrr! The line to get in is nuts! 3 hour wait?? Very unorganized! I have been at other Cons in the same spot and takes less then 30 seconds to get in! Why is the line so long? There are at least 10 registration booths! Not that hard to fix! No one that works there knows where anything is! I asked three workers where things were or celebrities locations, no one had a clue! Come on you work here! I remember asking a worker where Johnny Yong Bosch booth was, as he was asking five other workers I realized we were next to his booth. Then they told me they had no clue still, your next to his booth!!!! 

Still it's a great Con, just a little unorganized. I recommend if you want to avoid the three hour wait and want to see some action instead. Just skip on over too the hotel Hyatt to see people pose in their costumes.

 Anime Central or ACEN

April 27-29
5555 N. River Road
Rosemont, IL 60018


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