Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Simpsons: Moe's Tavern REAL???

Is Moe's Tavern real? Did I just walk into Springfield world of the Simpsons? Funny thing I was walking down the street minding someone else business till saw the Simpsons Tavern! Whoo! Did my dreams of being in Cartoon come true? Far from it! If your familiar with the 23 year show, that Moe's Tavern isn't the best place to drink, and the real mock up isn't far from it...Minus a passed out Barney Gumble....

I love how the owners even drew a altered Simpsons on the wall to avoid any copyright violation! The Thompsons (watch the show)?  But if you love the Simpsons or Nostalgia hop on over for a visit!

If Fox ever finds out there's gonna be a lawsuit so you better hurry! LOL! They even put copyrighted Moe as a logo! D'OH! Hopefully Fox sees it as a tribute or fan dedication and leaves it be... I met Matt Groening once, he loves this kinda stuff!

 Moe's Tavern
2937 N Milwaukee
Chicago, IL 60618

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