Saturday, May 19, 2012

Movie Review: Men In Black 3

Took them nearly 15 years, but it's finally here! Men in Black 3! I had a free pre-screening and have to say it is a solid 3rd movie. Good story, clever ideas. Will Smith gave it his all in the writing and it shows.

Men in Black 3 is not without it's down sides. First lack of Aliens. I barely saw any! The ones I did see were humanoid! I remember the first two films had Aliens up to your knees but never took away from the story. Did the movie producers think the movie may bomb due a giant gap between it's sequels and didn't want to blow the budget on special effects? Well the story in MIB 3 is strong enough the viewer may mentally over write this. Second, Tommy Lee Jones (himself) was barely in the movie! Is he getting up there age wise and couldn't do the film? At least a CGI body for stunts.

Overall good film, but if your looking for a massive alien battles, you may be disappointed...

I give this film 3 Toes out of 5!

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