Saturday, May 19, 2012

Video Game Reviews: Kid Icarus Uprising

Kid Icarus has returned and damn it Nintendo did it in style!!! Yeah I know this review is late, but who cares! This is my blog and it's free you spoiled brat! The Kid hasn't starred in a game since 1991 on Gameboy. After years of dateless nerds begging for his return he back on the Nintendo 3DS! Kid Icarus Uprising feels like a re-imagining of the Classic 8-bit Nintendo (NES) and Game Boy game with a face lift.

If anyone has played the games of the past, Kid Icarus NES was no walk in the park! These game can be butt load of endless difficultly! Throwing the controller in to the TV difficult! It seems Uprising has lowered the challenge to get anyone to play it, not just the hardcore player which is a great move... The voice acting is a nice touch, reminds me so much of classic game such as Star Fox 64. Great graphics, surrealist game play and on the on rail shooting is a great twist from the arcade games of the past.

Now for the bad...(which is rare in a Nintendo made game) The camera is hard to focus, I hate spinning it around too see where I am going. Why couldn't it be a locked camera mainly cause it's a on rail shooter? Also I hate using the Styli to aim! It works and all but it's annoying in the way you have to hold it! Example, your playing your Nintendo 3DS on the train or the toilet, very hard to keep balanced forcing you to use your lap or other fingers... I know it comes with a stand, but are you really gonna bring that on the go? Not a big problem but still a issue.

Overall a great game, it's the game the fans have been waiting in their mom's basements for! I give it 4 out 5 Toes!

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